Serving per IAM user S3 data

This isn't meant for public facing web, but a closed environment where it is necessary that each client is individually addressable (common application code, individual data). Each client has a local web server plus locally stored AWS credentials, and can therefore be fed content specific to each client. The bootstrap script is minimalistic by design, with as little moving parts as possible.

AWS credentials file (init.json below):

      "region": "eu-west-1",
      "common_bucket": "loadres",
      "private_bucket": "697ad820240c48929dce15c25cee8591",
      "access_key": "AKIAILZCSDJEFUN3L53Q",
      "secret_key": "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"


    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <script src="sha1.js"></script> <!-- -->

          // the authenticated S3 URL maker function, without STS specific parts:
          var s3url = function(region, bucket, key, access_key, secret_key) {
            var expires = Math.floor(((new Date()).getTime()/1000) + 3600);
            var string_to_sign = [
              expires, '\n',
              '/', bucket, '/', key
            var signature = b64_hmac_sha1(secret_key, string_to_sign) + '=';
            var url = 'https://s3-' + region + '' + bucket + '/' + key
              + '?AWSAccessKeyId=' + encodeURIComponent(access_key)
              + '&Signature=' + encodeURIComponent(signature)
              + '&Expires=' + expires;
            return url;

          var init = function(settings) {
            var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];

            // inject prod.css
            var css = document.createElement('link');
            css.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
            css.setAttribute('href', s3url(settings['region'], settings['common_bucket'], 'prod.css', settings['access_key'], settings['secret_key']));

            // inject prod.js
            var js = document.createElement('script');
            js.setAttribute('src', s3url(settings['region'], settings['common_bucket'], 'prod.js', settings['access_key'], settings['secret_key']));

        <!-- load AWS region and bucket info, plus credentials; this script calls init() (above) -->
        <script src="init.json"></script>

Now in the loaded prod.js file we would bring in the application code that would fetch data specific to this client (a little repetition here):

    var expires = Math.floor(((new Date()).getTime()/1000) + 3600);
    var string_to_sign = [
      expires, '\n',
      '/', settings['private_bucket'], '/', 'data.txt'
    var signature = b64_hmac_sha1(settings['secret_key'], string_to_sign) + '=';
    var url = '/' + settings['private_bucket'] + '/' + 'data.txt'
      + '?AWSAccessKeyId=' + encodeURIComponent(settings['access_key'])
      + '&Signature=' + encodeURIComponent(signature)
      + '&Expires=' + expires;

    var r = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
    r.onreadystatechange = function () {
      if(r.readyState != 4 || r.status != 200) return;
      alert("Success: " + r.responseText);

To make this work without CORS, we're using a local proxy to handle S3 requests. In Nginx config:

    location /697ad820240c48929dce15c25cee8591 {
      rewrite  ^//697ad820240c48929dce15c25cee8591/(.*)$ /$1 break;

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