TopicArn); if($topicarn[3] != $region || $topicarn[4] != $account || !in_array($topicarn[5], $topics)) { return false; } $_region = $topicarn[3]; $_account = $topicarn[4]; $_topic = $topicarn[5]; // Check that the domain in message ends with '' if(!endswith(get_domain_from_url($msg->SigningCertURL), '')) { return false; } // Load certificate and extract public key from it $cert = file_get_contents($msg->SigningCertURL); $pubkey = openssl_get_publickey($cert); if(!$pubkey) { return false; } // Generate a message string for comparison in Amazon-specified format $text = ""; if($msg->Type == 'Notification') { $text .= "Message\n"; $text .= $msg->Message . "\n"; $text .= "MessageId\n"; $text .= $msg->MessageId . "\n"; if ($msg->Subject != "") { $text .= "Subject\n"; $text .= $msg->Subject . "\n"; } $text .= "Timestamp\n"; $text .= $msg->Timestamp . "\n"; $text .= "TopicArn\n"; $text .= $msg->TopicArn . "\n"; $text .= "Type\n"; $text .= $msg->Type . "\n"; } elseif($msg->Type == 'SubscriptionConfirmation') { $text .= "Message\n"; $text .= $msg->Message . "\n"; $text .= "MessageId\n"; $text .= $msg->MessageId . "\n"; $text .= "SubscribeURL\n"; $text .= $msg->SubscribeURL . "\n"; $text .= "Timestamp\n"; $text .= $msg->Timestamp . "\n"; $text .= "Token\n"; $text .= $msg->Token . "\n"; $text .= "TopicArn\n"; $text .= $msg->TopicArn . "\n"; $text .= "Type\n"; $text .= $msg->Type . "\n"; } else { return false; } // Get a raw binary message signature $signature = base64_decode($msg->Signature); // ..and finally, verify the message if(openssl_verify($text, $signature, $pubkey, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1)) { return true; } return false; } // function endswith($string, $test) { $strlen = strlen($string); $testlen = strlen($test); if ($testlen > $strlen) return false; return substr_compare($string, $test, -$testlen) === 0; } // function get_domain_from_url( $url, $max_node_count = 0 ) { $return_value=''; $max_node_count=(int)$max_node_count; $url_parts=parse_url((string)$url); if(is_array($url_parts)&&isset($url_parts['host'])&&strlen((string)$url_parts['host'])>0) { $return_value=(string)$url_parts['host']; if($max_node_count>0) { $host_parts=explode('.',$return_value); $return_parts=array(); for($i=$max_node_count;$i>0;$i--) { $current_node=array_pop($host_parts); if(is_string($current_node)&&$current_node!=='') { $return_parts[]=$current_node; } else { break; } } if(count($return_parts)>0) { $return_value=implode('.',array_reverse($return_parts)); } else { $return_value=''; } } } return$return_value; } ?>